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Four O’clock Flowers

Q.Plant with yellow flowers

Zone 37854 | kendradawn12 added on August 15, 2016 | Answered

I need to know what this plant is. It has medium green leaves and yellow flower blooms all over it. I thought was a pepper plant but, apparently, pepper plants have white blooms. So I am lost.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 16, 2016

The image is coming through a little fuzzy but it looks like it could be a Mirabilis (four o'clock flower) or another ornamental in the Solanaceae family. Peppers are also Solanaceae

Check if the flowers look like these ones (aside from the color):

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Answered on August 16, 2016

Thank you. Yes the yellow flowers on the second link you sent look just like them. Thank you Alisma for answering.!

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