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Q.Plant selection

Zone V0H1X8 | Anonymous added on June 14, 2018 | Answered

I am looking for suggestions on a low maintenance, raised garden boarder around my new concrete deck. My yard is full sun, zone 4, elevation is 2300 ft and we are on a snow belt so will likely need zone 3 plants. The bed is 18″ wide.
I would like some winter interest, and some height is necessary as we are not putting a railing on the deck. I’m not a gardener so low maintenance is preferred- trimming is fine, but weeding, splitting and other special care would preferably be avoided.
Thank you!!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 14, 2018

I would recommend some Double Knock Out rosebushes and perhaps some Watercolors Home Run rosebushes. Both are the new generation roses that will keep on blooming without deadheading them. Prune them a bit to shape them but pruning is to be kept to a minimum as pruning will likely reduce the amount of blooms. Just one suggestion.

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