Q.Plant Care Indoors Surrounding Pond
I maintain a large pond inside a bank with plants growing around the pond as well as several areas in the bank. I have recently planted hibiscus in pots around the circumference of the bank and hydrangeas around the pond. The hydrangeas are in full bloom at this time. I also planted 2 ice orchids near the water fall. With the additional humidity of the pond, I am unsure of the watering requirements. Can you advise me – both on watering and required care of plants surrounding pond? All plants receive indirect sunlight through skylights most of the day.

Before watering, you should always determine the level of moisture in the soil by testing it, either with a simple electronic moisture meter, or by inserting a pencil or wooden skewer into the soil. The soil for hibiscus and hydrangeas should be slightly damp before watering again.
"ice orchids" are not a type of orchid, but rather a commercial marketing label. Chances are you have a phaleonopsis or dendrobium orchid. They need to be repotted into correct orchid mix, allowing for good drainage, and they then can be watered when you water the other plants. You might find the information in this article useful: http://oregonorchidsociety.org/ice-cubes-and-orchids