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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Planning planting in gravel

Zone South yorksire, partly sunny | Vanessa.moffatt79@gmail.com added on March 25, 2015 | Answered

I’m having my garden paved with intermittent gravel areas. My question is once my builder has put down the gravel over a membrane, will I be able to plant small bushes, plants, bulbs etc., as I don’t want to be doing this whilst he is tackling this major project? Also, which plants, preferably with some colour and are perennials, can you recommend?

With thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 25, 2015

Yes, I would recommend waiting until construction work is finished on your property.
You should be able to cut through the landscaping membrane to gain access to the ground below. Cut back enough to allow the planting hole to be dug, as per planting instructions.

I would mark your plantings until well established to avoid injury to you new plant material.

I always recommend stopping at your local garden centers and window shop!

Here are a few links to help you get started with this project.



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