Q.Planning a Garden
How do I go about planning my garden? What directions should the rows go? I live in zone 6 or 7. What should I be concerned about as I plan my garden?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
These articles will help you with planning your garden:

Figure out which way your garden area drains. Then when you plant your garden you can have your rows go in the direction of natural flow. Pay attention to the angles of the sun on your garden. Then plan to plant taller plants such that they will not over shade the lower plantings, yet maybe give some of the more sun/heat sensitive plantings some shade relief. Check your soils texture and amend it with some good compost as needed. Also check your soils pH in three or four different spots and see how it comes in as far as pH level. Then look up the optimum pH level for the plants you are planting. This can go a long way in great garden production whether it be blooms or veggies!