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Q.placement of rose garden

Zone We are in zone 9 - Gulf Coast Louisiana | patburke added on August 19, 2015 | Answered

I am trying to care for a rose garden that has been placed in a parking lot with no shade and temperatures of 90-100 degrees for weeks at a time in the summer. Needless to say, they are not doing well in spite of soaker hose or rainwater watering twice a week. I think the roses should be relocated to another bed where they will receive morning sun and be shaded from the later hot afternoon sun.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 20, 2015

I think they might do better somewere the ground isn't so compact. A parking lot has a lot of harmfull fums and other chmicails that will seep into the ground .If you plan on moving them its better to do it in the fall when the are not blooming and make sure they are cut back for more blooms the following year,.

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