Q.Pink Anthurium
Hi! I was gifted a pink anthurium end of June. I’ve never had one before and had to do my own research on what it was (friend didn’t know the name) and how to care for it. The last say 3-4 weeks it has taken a turn. The flowers have all died-which I know is normal in winter- and the leaves have been turning yellow, than brown and than dead. It also has been wilting. The soil is pretty dry and when I would water it the plant was not taking in all the water. I do half a cup or less one day a week. I did ice cubes this week as I thought the slow watering would be better and it did absorb it all. I’m not sure if my plant is dead or dying or if there is something I can do! I heard re-soiling could help but I’m not sure. Please provide any advice!!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This plant tends to be a little particular with what care it requires. Soil that is too rich, low humidity, pooling water at the bottom of the container, cool temperatures, and many other things can cause this type of damage. The best thing to do will be to provide the perfect environmental factors. After, if the plant does not show signs of recovery, you can begin to diagnose illnesses.
This article will help you with their care: