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Grass Plants

Q.pineland (sandy soil) grass choices

Zone Little Egg Harbor NJ 08087 | Ernie Tews added on May 11, 2018 | Answered

Comment first: I am a board member of Cranberry Creek HOA in Little Egg Harbor,southern Ocean County, New Jersey. Our soil is a compacted sand and gravel, with some clay. Grass does not grow without a lot of attention, water and fertilizer. What grass we have is leftover from sod put down by the builder 10 years ago. We have about (estimate!) 60,000-70,000 sq ft of open sandy soil, about 1/4 irrigated, all in strips 10-20 ft wide. What can be grown that looks green?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 12, 2018

This website seems to offer some information on this subject: https://www.todayshomeowner.com/best-drought-tolerant-lawn-grass-for-sandy-soil/

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