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Pineapple Guava

Q.pineapple guava

Zone Las Vegas, Nevada 89141 | parmabob@sbcglobal,net added on June 6, 2018 | Answered

The Pineapple Guava Tree has been planted for three years. It has flowered and produced fruit. However this year the tree is no longer dense. The branches are without leaves on the inside of the tree. There are leaves on the ends of the branches but the interior is naked and you can see through it. What is the problem and what can I do to correct it? I tried to load a couple of pictures but was not able to accomplish that.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 7, 2018

If given time and TLC, these guys will send out leaves and branches from nearly every possible location.
The fact that they tend to hold on to the most peripheral leaves is a great sign, because those outer leaves get the most sun and provide the most value from an energy standpoint.
Review the care needed in the article below.


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