Q.Pine tree shedding bark – loads of “bore holes”
Upon returning from wintering in Florida, I discovered several patches on two of my pine trees. The patches look as if someone scraped away the bark and drilled holes into my trees. Several articles tell me it’s too late – destroy the trees. They’re big and beautiful- about 9 feet and symmetrically gorgeous. Any suggestions on how to save my trees and how to protect surrounding trees? I live in northeast Pa about 45 minutes east of Harrisburg – Schuylkill County. Thank you.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Usually by this point it is too late, unfortunately. These will do extensive damage to the tree, inside and out. You can talk with your local extension service to see if they have any advice on what to do from here. This link will help you find your closest extension service: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search/