Q.pinching back mums
I live in Tn. and was wondering is to too late to start pinching back my mums. They are about 2 ft. high and there is a few flowers already blooming.
The first pinch is in spring when returning plants are about 8 to 10-inches tall. If you are planting mums in the spring, start the first pinch 2-weeks after planting. The second pinch is done around the summer solstice. This is the longest day of the year. Day length is shorter after that and the plants will naturally set buds. Many gardeners plan their final pinch on or about the 4th of July.
If you want later bloom, your #2 pinch could be delayed 1-2 weeks, or add a third pinch. If you want a tighter, more compact plant, take more plant stem when you pinch, or add a third pinch.