Q.philodendron leaves turning yellow
I received a large philodendron plant two weeks before Christmas. The last two weeks, the leaves have started to turn yellow. I haven’t watered it very much because I previously had a philodendron plant that I over-watered and the leaves turned yellow and the whole plant died.
I need to know what to do with this plant to stop the leaves from turning yellow. I have watered it with 3-ounce bathroom cups to avoid watering it too much. The new plant is located the same place as the first plant and the old one lived for many years without a problem until suddenly turning yellow.
Please give me some suggestions for what I can do to save the plant.
Thank you.
Sandra Smulevitz
Check the plant carefully for small insect pests like aphids or thrips, because these can cause yellowing leaves. So can the other issues described in this article:
If the plant also appears wilted in addition to being yellow, it is likely a watering issue or a problem with the roots. Both underwatering and overwatering can cause similar symptoms, including yellow and wilting leaves, and overwatering can damage the roots. If wilted leaves perk up when you water the plant, that's a sign it's been underwatered. Overwatering can happen if the soil is poorly draining, if the plant is allowed to sit in a tray of water, or if the pot is too large for the plant, because the soil will stay damp at the bottom even when it's dry at the top.
Another possibility for the cause of yellow leaves is a nutrient deficiency. Please see these articles: