Q.Ph soil test said I have too much phosphorus in my soil…I applied cow manure….
I can’t get foliar zinc and iron. Is there anything else I can use.

Avoid adding manure as fertilizer. Manure is typically high in phosphorous and can quickly lead to a spike in phosphorous levels.
Add phosphorous-free fertilizer. All fertilizers contain a string of numbers that follow this format: "X-X-X." The first number is nitrogen, the second phosphorous and the third potassium. Phosphorous-free fertilizers will always have a "0" in the second column.
Mix a spray that contains water with 1 percent foliar zinc and iron, then applying that spray to plants every week if phosphorous levels are excessively high. You may apply it every four weeks if phosphorous levels are slightly high. Soils with 300 parts per million phosphorous will take up to five years to go back to acceptable levels.
Have your extension service explain your soil test to you.