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Q.Ph and nutrient absorption

Zone Puyallup, Washington | scott66wa added on October 21, 2014 | Answered

I am growing in a organic soilless mix and have a question about feeding. I am adding a flower enhancer the last weeks in bloom and this particular enhancer is mostly boron, 4%, derived from boric acid. I adjust my nutrient mix ph to 6.35 when feeding or watering. Boron has a much more acidic availability “sweet zone” at 5-5.5. Can I lower my ph for this specific additive when feeding or will that make a difference since the soilless mix acts as a buffer and is right around 6.5 ph? Please advise, thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 21, 2014

Lowering the pH for the nutrient mix would be the only way you would have of lowering pH for your plants, since you can't change the pH of your mix. I would suggest you might consult with the maker of your flower enhancer to see what kind of research they have that might better answer your question.

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