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Houseplant Pest Control

Q.Pest control indoor trumpet angel

Zone 14057 | TheBigO added on January 21, 2017 | Answered

I have an indoor trumpet angel that opens flowers at night and lets out a beautiful scent. Not sure if it’s the same as down south. It keeps getting infested with tiny smaller than a pin head white bug. They spin a web and fill the web with additional bugs the leaves yellow and fall off. I have sprayed with a water solution numerous times adding soap every time a dormant oil and even added rubbing alcohol, not much as I was afraid of killing them. I even sprayed with sevin during the summer, hosed the root ball down and placed fresh soil. Been struggling for years trying to rid them. They recover and grow nice leaves and ready to start pickle flower blooms and then bugs and web material appear then buds fall off. Any help is appreciated, even performed a double treatment say a few weeks apart but hard to do in winter in Buffalo, NY area.

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