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Mint Plants

Q.Pest Control in a Balcony Herb Garden

Zone 9a | giventofly added on June 20, 2013 | Answered

I am having a pest issue on mint, basil, and Thai chili plants in my balcony herb garden. Based on how the leaves are being destroyed (from the exterior inwards), it would appear to be something like a caterpillar. What is the best way to eliminate these bugs on leaves which I will be eating? I was looking towards food-grade DE, which I can rise off the herbs before eating. Suggestions?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 20, 2013

DE or Neem oil. Both are considered "organic". If you're sure it's caterpillar's,
Bt would work as well...but only on caterpillars. (And some don't consider it organic even tho it's a bacteria, not a chemical.)

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