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Q.Periwinkle Help. Live In

Zone B0E2P0 | Achodronamrta@gmail.com added on November 3, 2021 | Answered

Periwinkles. The greenery is voluminous, but little signs of purple periwinkle, Bloomed only for 10 days, & only here and there. They’re planted in a 5” deep planter area 10’ long – Cape Breton NS Canada. The summers are warm, sometimes humid for one month gave them high phosphate feeding. Planter is in warm sunny spot 5 hours/day Any Help? thank you for all your good service Ani

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 4, 2021

Usually, I would advise adding phosphorus and potassium, but in this case- These plants prefer acidic soil. Extra fertilization for this invasive species will cause extra foliage growth, but little flowering.

This plant will not enjoy being in full sun. It will need partial shade, dappled light, or morning sun, only.

Well drained soil is a must, as well. Wet soils will prevent the plant from carrying out its processes.

This article will help you with the care of the flower:


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