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Chili Pepper Plants

Q.Pepper Plants Flowers

Anonymous added on August 7, 2011 | Answered

My hot pepper plants are producing lots of flowers. I keep picking these flowers off, but I was told not to do so as these flowers produce or turn into peppers or fruits. My doing so does not seem to affect the plants from producing peppers. I have 30 pots of these pepper plants and noticed that some plants produce much more than others with amounts in between with others. I have never seen any fruits being produced from any developed flower. My question is, do fruits develop from the flowers or from the buds?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 7, 2011

Yes, most all plants that produce fruits do so from their flowers. Once the flowers have pollinated, the small fruits begin to form. You evidently missed a bloom or two (but with that many plants it's hard not to) in order to have still produced peppers. My advice...leave the flowers and reap the peppers.

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