Q.Pepper plants
I used soap insecticide on my plants and now all the leaves fell off. I have nothing but a stem… Are they dead or will they come back? Thank you
Insecticidal Soap works by suffocating the insects as it covers their body surface preventing the insect from breathing, and once the soap is dry it should be washed off so that the potassium salts and fatty acids from the soap don't damage the foliage. Did the leaves appeared burned or yellowed prior to dropping? If you have an image to attach with some of the damages leaves, it would make diagnosing the problem easier. The plants may come back. Be careful not to overwater the damaged plants as they cannot assimilate water efficiently without foliage. Plants will need less water until new leaves develop. If the stem had remained healthy and green, watch for new shoots to develop and increase watering once the plant shows more leaf development.