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Bell Pepper Plants

Q.pepper (Bell) Plants

Anonymous added on June 5, 2015 | Answered

Plants are in ground approximately 4 wks. Leaves are growing but are starting to bubble and wrinkle. No spots but evidence of leaf nibbling is seen. How do I treat this? In San Antonio, Texas with heat in the low to mid nineties. No rain, so watering is by hand on daily basis. Fertilizer is SEA CROP. Water drains well. Thanks for your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 7, 2015

It could be a symptom of too little water. With it being so warm, you may need to give it more water, or make a waterer for it. Here is information on how to do that:

It might also be wilt. There is not much you can do for it if it is wilt. This article will explain more:

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