I have had no success with Peonies, have transplanted them to different parts of garden. This year there has been substantial growth of the foliage, although one is showing brown on leaves, no attempt to flower. I live in Snowdonia where soil tends to be more acid.
Hi. Thank you for the advice, will do. Diane
The results of a soil test should let you know how to proceed to get the soil in a pH range of 6.5 to 7.5, deep and rich in organic matter. Organic matter is nothing more than rich, friable compost.
Hi, Thank you for answering, yes, they have plenty of Sun. I will take your advice and soil test. Is there any supplements I can add that Peonies like as I would love to see them bloom.?
Peonies are notorious for refusing to bloom after being disturbed. Sometimes it takes up to 3 years for blooms after being transplanted. Are you giving them enough sun? Have you considered soil testing?