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Hyacinth Plant


Zone 11735 | Anonymous added on April 28, 2018 | Answered

How do I feed / fertilize my peonies . I planted the bulbs 3 years ago and they have never flowered yet .

Sincerely , Timothy

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 28, 2018

It isn't unusual for peonies to not bloom when very young so I don't think the issue is fertilizer. 1-2 inches of compost surrounding the plant is all I can recommend without a soil test. It used to be recommended to use a "balanced fertilizer" where the NPK numbers were similar. However, many states have soil that is already high in phosphorus and adding more can build it up to toxic levels. In addition, excess phosphorus fertilizer is a big component in groundwater and stream/lake water degradation. Nitrogen is the nutrient that passes through the soil quickly so needs to be added annually. If you buy a fertilizer, choose one that is mostly nitrogen, with minimal phosphorus and middling potassium. Example: NPK of 10-2-6 Whenever you think plants aren't growing as they should, a soil test is your first step toward discovering the problem. They are available from your state or county extension service.

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