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Pentas Plants

Q.pentas potted plant

Zone 33573 | 2pods@earthlink.net added on April 30, 2016 | Answered

Leaves look wilted…am I watering too much or too little? The flowers look dried up also. Should I pinch them off and, if so, how far down?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 2, 2016

Your Pentas should be potted in a well draining container with a good quality potting mix.
The soil should be moist but never soggy. Check the soil, instead of watering on a schedule.
Wilting can be the cause of root rot from too much water or not enough watering reaching the roots.
Flowers can be dead headed when they fade, you pinch of the ends of the stems.
Here is a link with more information.


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