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Golden Cane Palm Trees

Q.Pebbles Used With Flax Lily And Golden Palms?

Anonymous added on January 13, 2021 | Answered

We have a large garden bed around our pool with 80 new flax lily and 7 x golden cane palms. Can we use pebbles around these plants or will the stone stunt growth? Need to stop soil from going back into pool

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 13, 2021

Here is an article that discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using inorganic mulch. Your concern would be whether the rocks will heat up and reflect too much heat on your plants. The flax lily is drought tolerant so it should be OK. The golden palm is not, so you may have to water it more.


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