Q.Pear trees
Type of Pear trees to plant for Trinity TX Gulf Coast. I have one each Kieffler and Asian Pear trees. Both purchased and planted at the same time. Each are going on 5 years. Last year the Kieffler put on one pear, the wind and rain blew it off. The Asian has never produced. Each have black spots on the leaves even with me spraying. Note, these trees have been watered and fertilized as instructed.
My question, what is the best Pear tree to plant that is disease resistant, however, producing eating and canning quality.
Also, where would you suggest purchasing these trees that will produce as soon as possible as I do not have 4 years to wait.
Thanking you in advance.
My research shows to look for low chill and fireblight resistant varieties for the most success in your zone 9 garden.
I would suggest contacting your local County Extension Office for a list of Pear Trees that are successfully growing in your area.
This is the best way to ensure success without the expensive of trying a variety.
I've listed several articles and a link to locate your nearest office.