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Pear Trees

Q.Pear tree, young pears fall off

Zone NR12 7LA | Anonymous added on September 25, 2019 | Answered

My 4-yr-old pear tree looks healthy. Blossom good, pears form, then fall off with stalks when about 1cm diam. This spring I followed advice and sprayed blossom buds with bug spray (green/black fly type) but the same happened

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 26, 2019

A four year old pear may not be quite mature enough to fully fruit. It is able to flower and start a pear but not finish the job. Depending on the cultivar, pear trees start fruiting when 5-10 years old. Another potential issue is pollination. Many pears are not self-pollinating. They need another tree to cross-pollinate for fruit to succeed. There is more information at this link: http://treefruit.wsu.edu/orchard-management/pollination/

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