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Pear Trees

Q.Pear tree help

Zone Newport WA 99156 | Anonymous added on April 8, 2019 | Answered

I have no idea what is wrong with my pear tree, did not had it last year or before that
let me know what I can do
one picture is the branch and the other one is a closeup
and it is over the whole tree Thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 8, 2019

While lichens generally don’t harm the tree, an abundance of lichen can result in poor growing conditions for the fruit tree. For example, lichens or fungus growing on the leaves can interfere with photosynthesis process while a thick growth of lichens on stems could add extra weight that results in damage twigs.
While lichens generally don’t harm the tree, an abundance of lichen can result in poor growing conditions for the fruit tree. For example, lichens or fungus growing on the leaves can interfere with photosynthesis process while a thick growth of lichens on stems could add extra weight that results in damage twigs.
While lichens generally don’t harm the tree, an abundance of lichen can result in poor growing conditions for the fruit tree. For example, lichens or fungus growing on the leaves can interfere with photosynthesis process while a thick growth of lichens on stems could add extra weight that results in damage twigs.

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