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Peach Trees

Q.Peach Tree pruning

Zone I am located in Prairie Grove, AR. Zone 7a. | GardenNovice3 added on April 26, 2019 | Answered

I have two peach trees that I planted last summer. I didn’t prune them last year and now that they are out of dormancy I am looking for guidance on how to prune them. Should I treat them like I just planted them and cut the center leader down to 30” or so and prune for scaffolding branches late this upcoming winter? I didn’t think to prune last year and would like guidance on how best to proceed. Please note one of the trees is a dwarf peach with red leaves and the second is a white peach tree with green leaves. Please find photos attached for your reference.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!



A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 26, 2019

We did not receive any images.
This article covers pruning and is for all Peach Trees.

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