Q.peach tree care for a year old spout from a self-germination.
My tree, Mr. Peach, was the only one to make it through germination out of 30 seeds. He has grown well for the last year but started to lose leaves. I noticed he had lots of gnats. He even has bark forming at the base and a very green trunk. I transplanted to a larger pot and added 1 inch of play sand, at the direction of a local nursery, to suffocate the adult gnats. He has done well for the last month but now I notice gnats again, he has lost all leaves and the top of his stem is starting to turn brown. He still has bark and green for the most part. I decided to start over and dump all soil, rinse out the pot and give him a root soak to get rid of all the bad dirt. When doing this, the old soil had worms, gnat babies and stunk to high heaven. He is now in a new pot of fresh potting soil. What did I do wrong and can I do anything now? Mr. Peach has no leaves but is still strong. I think he is a fighter, lol.

The container looks large for the size stem that you have. A container that is too large can easily hold too much moisture overwhelm the small root structure.
I might suggest a much smaller nursery pot until the seedling reaches a larger size. Also make sure you have your seedling in full sunlight.