Q.Peach Tree and Lilac Tree
I have two beautiful nectarine trees in my garden. This year they had loads of fruit on them. Now that the fruiting has finished, will it harm them to cut them down a bit because they have reached about 13 feet in height. The same applies to my lilac tree. It has reached about 12 feet high. I don’t want to ruin them as I love my trees, so I would appreciate your advice. Thank you.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can prune, but for the nectarine, you need to wait until very early spring to prune and for the lilac, right after the bloom in the spring is the best time. Right now is not a good time to prune, as this could cause the plants to start growing again, rather than going dormant. This would mean that they will not be prepared for the winter cold and will suffer more harm for it.
These articles will explain how to prune your nectarine and lilac:
http://wilkes.ces.ncsu.edu/files/library/97/How%20to%20Prune%20Peach%20Trees-4.pdf (peach and nectarine trees are essentially the same.)