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Peace Lily Plants

Q.Peace Lily Problem

Zone Poole, Dorset | Jennifer Adams added on December 24, 2019 | Answered

My Peace Lily has been wonderful up till now, but the leaves have become a black colour at the tips and eventually die off. Anyone with any ideas as to what is happening to it please.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 26, 2019

There are several possibilities, but go ahead and cut out the dark leaves. Overfertilization or a mineral buildup is possible. Only fertilize every few months with a weak solution. If there is a mineral buildup, i.e., you have hard water, try using bottled water.

Let the leaves just start to go limp before you water. Overwatering and underwatering tend to cause yellow leaves that turn brown or black.

The two most common diseases of peace lily cause root rot. Try repotting your plant in fresh potting soil and if the roots look like they are rotting, cut off the damaged roots.

I am attaching some troubleshooting articles for peace lilies. Read them over and see if you are supplying all its cultural needs: indirect light, proper watering, humidity, temperature between 65 and 80 degrees F. Also check the leaves for spider mites, mealy bugs and scale.


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Answered on January 30, 2020

Thank you for your helpful advice Susan. I did repot it and threw away any bad leaves, but unfortunately the repotted part is now looking unwell. The leaves are going black, so I think it is time now to buy another one.

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