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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Peace Lily

Zone 60148 | Anna827 added on September 18, 2016 | Answered

This is a peace lily that is about 6-8 years old and I wondering if someone can give me advice about what to do with it. I give it some water maybe once a week and it will look better for a few days, but it always quickly returns to this state. Am I giving it too much sun? I am wondering if it needs to be repotted, divided, or both.
Thanks in advance!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 18, 2016

Peace lilies are more sensitive to overwatering than to underwatering, but in this case your plant may be drying out too much. For one week, check the soil every day to see how dry it is. This will help you adjust your watering schedule. If you find that the soil is staying dry for several days before the next watering, you could water every five days or whatever you determine.

Dividing or repotting in a slightly larger pot are both options, and both could also help with your wilting issue. It looks like the plant has grown too big for its pot, so it may dry out more quickly than it used to. Here's how to divide them:


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