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Passion Flower Vine


Zone Adelaide South Australia | Anonymous added on January 25, 2018 | Answered

I have just moved into a house that has a passionfruit vine. It flowered just after we moved in and then got fruit on it but the fruit is only small and has turned orange. Why is this. I live in Adelaide, South Australia

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 26, 2018

There are many species of passion vine (Passiflora), so it may just be that the species you have produces smaller fruit. Don't eat it unless you know what species of passionfruit it is, because there are some species that are inedible and may be poisonous, especially when unripe. There are many edible species as well, so if you can reliably identify it (ask a local plant expert), it might be edible even if the fruits look different from the supermarket variety.

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