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Passion Flower Vine

Q.Passion Vine

Zone 36695 | burke020 added on March 19, 2016 | Answered

I have a passion vine in a large pot that has flourished from a cutting for over 2 years. The plant has grown to 4 ft tall and very plush and bloomed beautifully several times in the past year but is now dwindling and not looking very healthy. I am worried that the pot, which is quite large, may be suffocating the plant and would like to get the plant into the ground.

I am very nervous about moving it into the ground and honestly clueless about how to do so. I live in south Alabama where the weather is currently warm but not hot; however, heavy rain is a common factor. Can you please give me guidance on what I should do? This plant is extremely sentimental…I really don’t want to kill it!

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