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Hyacinth Plant


Zone New Zealand | shazzcat added on May 25, 2013 | Answered

This season my parsnips have basically “come to nothing” with loads of offshoots off the top of each plant. It has been the same with my total parsnip crop. . . . VERY disappointing. Carrots have also been somewhat the same although not so many. What has happened/what have I done wrong. . . never had this problem in past years.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 27, 2013

I would have your soil tested. It sounds like the soil may be lacking in phosphorous, which would result in poor root development in root vegetables.

These articles may be helpful to you:

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Answered on June 9, 2013

thank you Heather....had a feeling it would be something lacking in the soil...will follow through now :)

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