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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Parade Roses

Anonymous added on February 14, 2014 | Answered

I was given a gift of a Parade Rose that is small. It was grown in Canada, and has simple indoor and outdoor instructions. Is this a perennial in Minnesota? What are the growing instructions for middle MN? Should I keep it indoors or can I plant it outside?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 15, 2014

Parade roses are usually very hardy mini roses. They are also Own Root roses which mean that even if they die way down in the winter, whatever comes back up from the root system will be that same rose. I would recommend that you go to the American Rose Society website at http://www.rose.org/ and look for a Consulting Rosarian contact for your area. They will be able to advise you exactly how and when to plant your fine gift rose outside. They are indeed perennial roses. Keeping it indoors can be far more difficult to keep it growing nicely than planting it outside just like other roses. Lighting, watering and becoming root bound are all issues for the indoor keeping of the rose and being a bit off in any one can send the rose into a downward spiral quickly. It can be done but you really need to keep an eye on the rosebush. Here are a couple links for you:


You can find some emailable Cyber Consulting Rosarians from Minnesota here:


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