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Q.paper whites

Zone new york city | Anonymous added on January 28, 2019 | Answered

I forced paper whites indoors. now they are really tall and starting to die. How do I move them outdoors and when should I do this. I live in New York City and it is only approaching February so there may still be a great deal of freezing days and nights ahead. Should I cut them back and just plant the bulbs or plant the whole plant? how deep do I plant the bulb? first time using this bulb so I know very little.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 29, 2019

I hope you enjoyed your flowers! Paperwhites are in the narcissus family but they are tropical and won't survive in your climate. They are best treated as annuals and tossed out when done blooming. Even if you could plant them now, reblooming is rarely successful. The bulb has spent its energy stores. In the US, only the coastal south is able to plant paperwhites outdoors. In their native tropics, the foliage has lots of warmth and bright sun to regenerate the bulb. See if this article has information you can use: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/paperwhites/forcing-paperwhite-bulbs.htm

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