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Pampas Grass

Q.Pampas Grass only partially growing back

Zone Central Indiana | CarolSue added on June 26, 2014 | Answered

I am in Central Indiana and about 6 years ago we planted 3 large pampas grasses in the backyard. Each year they have grown larger and more beautiful until this year. On one, only a ring of grass around the exterior has come back. On the two others only parts of them came back. The grass that did come back is about 3-4 feet high at this time. The rest where we cut them back is still brown and not growing. We did have a long hard winter this past year but could that have done some damage? Do you think they will come back better next year? Thanks for any help you can offer.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 28, 2014

Judging from the number of pampas grass stories like yours that we have been getting from all over the northern part of the country, I would say yes, your plants are suffering from cld damage. Pampas grass is very energetic, though, and I expect if you are patient and continue with your good care practices, your plants will gradually recover. Winter damage can take 2 or 3 years to overcome.

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