I live in Houston, Texas and own a lot of palms and banana trees. I just recently bought a ponytail palm to go outside. I am not very familiar with this palm, although I found out it is in the lily family. I have tried looking online to find out about the survival rate of planting it in the ground instead of a pot indoors. I can’t find anything on this matter. Also, when I bought this palm it had 5 small babies in the same pot. They all had sufficient roots, so I separated them and planted them in the ground too. I would like to know if this is okay. So, my questions are:
1. Can the ponytail palm live outside year round and cover it when it does get cold?
2. Will the babies that I pulled off survive?
3. How fast does this ponytail palm grow?
the ponytail palm is a slow grower, this will explain how to propagate the babies, which are called pups: