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Hyacinth Plant


Zone 45140 | Anonymous added on May 27, 2017 | Answered

Have a houseplant Palm, don’t know species but it came in a dish garden. Have grown indoors for years but decided to try it outdoors. Fronds turned white. Too much sun obviously but will it adjust to its new environment or die?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 28, 2017

Indoor Palms do not like changes in temperature and light conditions.
Moving plants from indoors to spend the warmer months outdoors is best done gradually, called hardening off the plants.

The outdoor sun was too strong for your Palm. Move it to a dappled sunlight location and keep an eye on the watering.
As the Palm grows you should be able to prune out the damaged fronds.

Here are some links with more information.



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