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Hyacinth Plant

Q.palm trees are dying

Zone Macclenny Floridaa | Anonymous added on June 9, 2018 | Answered

I recently cut trees that provided shade to two palm trees. They seem to be limp and appear to be dying. I have been watering them a lot to help and it has rained a lot recently. I had placed red mulch approximately two moths ago and didn’t notice any changes until I removed the trees that provided shade. There are short shrub type bushes in the same area that seem to be dying as of the last couple days. The three remaining palms seem to be healthy.

Can the mulch cause this or now getting direct sunlight be the problem?

Any reply would be appreciated.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 10, 2018

Certainly the change in sunlight can cause stress and even death of the plants and palms.
Mulch should be kept from touching the base of the palms and trunks of the shrubs.
You may want to have the Palms inspected by a certified Arborist.

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