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Palm Trees

Q.palm trees

Anonymous added on November 15, 2014 | Answered

Years ago I transplanted two palm trees, and after months they looked terrible. I went to a nursery and the old man there told me of a mixture (which I forget but one of the items I’m sure was liquid copper). There was either two or three ingredients and I believe along with some water, you poured this into the center of the tree. I know within months those two palm trees started looking great and to this day when I ride by where I used to live they are beautiful trees. Would appreciate any ideas. Thank you.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 17, 2014

I am sorry to say that I am not familiar with that combination. Liquid copper is an effective fungicide, so it is possible that he recognized that what was wrong with your trees was fungus based and gave you a mixture of fungicides. Soap is a common ingredient in mixtures because it helps it stick better. Baking soda is another common fungicide. Do you remember if the other items were something you would have bought at the nursery or were they household items?

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