Q.Painting Trellis And Fencing
My extensive trellis and fencing need painting and I was wondering if the paint will affect the climbing flowers. When would be the best time to do this? [i. e. does it matter if the flowers are in bloom (roses, honeysuckle, wisteria)?]
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Your best bet is to carefully pull the plant from the trellis, taking care not to damage it, and then apply your paint. Do not reattach climbing plant until paint is completely dry. Alternatively, you could choose to wait until the plant is dormant, painting the trellis during this time.
It is best to paint trellises in the early spring before any growth has started or on a warm winter day when there is no current growth. The overspray from spray paints can clog leaf pores and cause big problems. If applying brush on paint, it is hard not to drip paint upon the foliage which can also cause big problems to the foliage. Depending on the paint used, the fumes could cause burning of the foliage if done during growing times.