Q.Sparse Hydrangea Blooms - I live in an area where the winters are very warm and we rarely have frost. My big-leaf hydrangeas bloom, ...
A.If you have sparse blooms, it is most likely from a lack of sunlight or a lack of fertilizer. Have the soil tested and if the soil shows no deficiencies, consider ways to get the bush a little more light.Read MoreQ.Cooking ‘Unripened’ Squash - Picked a large squash variety, not sure which. Thought it was 'Sweet Meat' but was wrong. Anyway, I cut it ...
A.It is edible, but you may find that the flavor is weak or bitter.Read MoreQ.Moving A Camellia - The previous home owner planted a camellia too close to the house. The plant is blooming now (mid November) . ...
A.Early fall and spring are the best time to move plants. It is a little late in the season to move it this year, so I would recommend waiting until spring.Read MoreQ.Bitter Tasting Ridge Gourd - What is the reason for the bitter taste in ridge gourd?
A.The most common reason for bitterness in gourds (if they are not supposed to be bitter) is stress to the plant. Too much heat, too little water or uneven watering are the most common reasons for this stress.Read More
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Q.Outdoor Gardenia Care - I just planted a 3- gallon gardenia shrub outside. Now the leaves are starting to turn yellow but there is ...
A.There are many, many reasons a gardenia will start to turn yellow. This article will help you pinpoint some of them: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/gardenia/helping-a-gardenia-bush-with-yellow-leaves.htmRead MoreQ.Bird-of-Paradise Dead Flowers - After the bird-of-paradise blooms, they die, turning brown and hanging down before new flowers bloom. What happens after this process ...
A.You can cut off the spent blooms. Yes, in nature they eventually fall off, but they are not all that pretty while you wait. It will do no harm to the plant to cut off the dead blooms.Read MoreQ.Growing Button Mushrooms Indoors - Could I get detailed information about how button mushroom can be grown indoors?
A.This article has instructions for growing mushrooms indoors: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/mushrooms/grow-mushrooms.htmRead MoreQ.Removing Turf - I am toying with the idea of turning my front lawn into a vegetable/fruit patch. My question is if I ...
A.You should be ok, but it will be a good idea to mulch the ground heavily with several layers of newspaper (just lay them down after the plants are planted and put normal mulch over it if you want something ...Read MoreQ.Indirect Sunlight - I would like to start a garden in my courtyard. Each part of the courtyard only receives about 1 hour ...
A.You will want to look into shade gardening. You will find many articles here: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/shade https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/hgen/shade-tolerant-herbs-for-your-herb-garden.htmRead MoreQ.What’s Eating My Broccoli? - I have a school garden and have planted broccoli in a wine barrel (30 gal). Something is eating the plant, ...
A.Yes, most likely it is cabbage moth caterpillar. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/broccoli/worms-in-broccoli-caterpillars-in-the-broccoli-head.htmRead MoreQ.Bugs On Lemon Tree Leaves - I have a lemon tree and discovered today that under the new growth of leaves are black bugs. I wiped ...
A.It is hard to say exactly what insect it may be, but we would recommend spraying the tree down with water to knock the pests off and then treat the tree with neem oil. It has become very popular ...Read MoreQ.Indoor Yucca - What is the reason for yucca tips to start browning? I repotted a year ago, it receives proper light and ...
A.This is a sign that you are overwatering. You should only water these plants when the soil is mostly dry.Read MoreQ.Winter Care For Hibiscus - I am from West Michigan and I bought this hibiscus tree (approximately 1. 5 feet tall) on clearance the end ...
A.This article will help you with keeping it over the winter: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/hibiscus/wintering-hibiscus-indoors-winter-care-for-hibiscus.htm It is rather easy. My mother in law keeps hers every winter and it looks gorgeous all summer long.Read MoreQ.Vegetable Seeds - Please explain the differences between non-hybrid seeds and the seeds that you would buy at Home Depot. Which one would ...
A.If you wish to collect the seeds from what you grew, you will want to use non hybrid seeds. These articles will help you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/seeds/non-hybrid-seeds-vs-hybrid-seeds.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/vgen/growing-vegetables-with-seeds.htmRead MoreQ.When To Plant Red Peppers - I live in northwest Florida. What is the best time to start planting red peppers in the garden? Also, how ...
A.In your area, you can plant peppers out in either February to April or July to August. This article will help with prepping the soil: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/vgen/vegetable-garden-soil.htm In regards to your lime issue, I would recommend having your soil tested at the extension service. ...Read MoreQ.Spider Plant - I have lots of beautiful babies doing well but the parent plant appears to be dying. What should I do?
A.Try watering it with filtered water or water that has been sitting out for at least a day. It may be that some chemicals in the water, like chlorine, have built up in the soil and are killing the plant. ...Read MoreQ.Deer Damage On Red Pine - I have some Red Pine that I have planted only to have a buck polish his antlers on the trunk ...
A.If the bark is gone all the way around in that wide of a swath, it is unlikely that the tree will survive.Read MoreQ.Bibb Lettuce In Pots? - Can I grow bibb lettuce in a 6 inch pot?
A.That would be tough to do, but possible. You would need to make sure that the plant gets enough water and in a pot that small, you may find yourself watering several times a day.Read MoreQ.Citrus Trees Leaves Curling - What causes leaves, primarily young ones to curl or wrinkle in a spiral motion in lime, orange, tangerine, grapefruit trees. ...
A.You may not be watering it enough. You need to make sure that the water gets all the way through the soil. If the soil is very dry, it may actually start to repel water. So enough water ...Read MoreQ.Pruning Lilacs - When is the best time to prune a lilac bush? I planted a bush last spring that is about 2 ...
A.You want to wait until right after it blooms to prune. Pruning now will cut away some of the growth that the blooms will flower on, which means that there will be fewer flowers.Read More