Q.Trimming Hibiscus Bushes - I trimmed two hibiscus bushes last spring (we live in southern Iowa, and I think it was probably late May) ...
A.You may have pruned a bit too late in the season and trimmed off the developing flower buds. In the future, do not prune after the beginning of May. If you follow this, they will bloom fine next ...Read MoreQ.Sweet Strawberries - I have strawberries in pots but the fruit have a sour taste. How can I get sweet strawberries from these ...
A.It is most likely a soil condition issue. Make sure that the soil is slightly acidic and well draining. Also making sure that there is plenty of nutrients available to the plants. This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/strawberry/sweet-strawberries.htmRead MoreQ.Rhododendrons, Irises Not Blooming - Strangely, both our irises and rhododendrons did not flower this year. Any suggestions?
A.Since these are two very different plants that did not bloom, I suspect that you have an issue with phosphorus in your soil. Plants need phosphorus to bloom. Here is more information on that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/soil-fertilizers/phosphorus-plant-growth.htm Have your soil tested to determine ...Read MoreQ.Can I Trim My Hedera Ivy? - I just bought a hedera ivy hanging plant and the stems are getting too long. I was wondering if I ...
A.Yes, pruning can be done and is pretty easy. It is just a matter of using a clean, sharp pair of scissors or pruning shears to snip off any growth you do not want. These cuttings can be ...Read More
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Q.Grapevines - I have a new black grapevine (name not known) growing in a large pot inside an unheated greenhouse. I made ...
A.Yes, it is normal for grapes to lose their leaves in the winter. It is entering dormancy and will come back in the spring.Read MoreQ.Monstera Plant Leaves Not Glossy - I have a Monstera plant with two leaves that are not glossy and both are hanging very vertical. These are ...
A.Sometimes new leaves need a little time to develop a glossiness. I would give them a month or so to see if they start to shine. If they do not, check how much you are watering and the ...Read MoreQ.Transplanting Lavender Plants - I have 16 lavender plants which were planted in May of this year and all grew very well with fragrant ...
A.Lavender is best transplanted in either spring or early fall. In most areas, it is a bit too late into fall to be transplanting now. I would recommend waiting until the spring to move them. This article will help ...Read MoreQ.Winter Care For Rubrum - I live in Michigan and would like to know what I need to do for my Rubrum to prepare for ...
A.In your area, Rubrum is an annual. You can try digging it up and wintering it in the house. But if you leave it outside over winter, it will die.Read MoreQ.Fall/Winter Care Of My Lace Cap Hydrangeas - I am still not understanding how to prune my lace cap hydrangeas. They are 10 yrs old and I don't ...
A.Try waiting until spring to prune it. Wait until you see what survived the winter and cut off the stems that did not.Read MoreQ.Wintering Over Boston Ferns - We have several Boston ferns in hanging pots near our pool. I want to move them inside my workshop for ...
A.You can put them into dormancy at 50-55 degrees F. Find a cool, dark place and put it there. Cut back on watering to about once every 3-4 weeks. They will look like they have died but they will come ...Read MoreQ.Red Bell Pepper And Winter - Do bell pepper plants live through the winter? I live in Portland, Oregon.
A.They will not survive outside, but you may be able to overwinter them indoors. Here are directions: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/pepper/overwintering-peppers.htmRead MoreQ.Transplanting Hibiscus From Pot To Ground - My mother has 2 hibiscus potted plants and we wanted to transplant them to the ground around my back porch. ...
A.It sounds like these are tropical hibiscus and they cannot tolerate temperatures under 50 degrees F. Therefore, it would not be a good idea to plant them in the ground. You should overwinter them indoors.Read MoreQ.Lemon Tree – Leaves Dropping Off - I have a lemon tree in a pot and all the leaves are dropping off. . . . . This ...
A.This is normally caused by letting the soil get too dry. Citrus trees are funny because they hold onto their leaves when they are under watered and then drop the leaves once water returns. You need to keep these plants ...Read MoreQ.Cure For ‘Leaf Spot’ - Small brown/yellow spots on edge or tip of leaves (house plant- anthurium ) becoming larger and eroding into the leaf, ...
A.It sounds like fungal leaf spot. If possible, trim away the infected leaves and make sure the leaves stay dry. Normally this issue will clear up on its own if you do this. I would keep it away from other ...Read MoreQ.How Big Hibiscus - How big does a Hibiscus bush get?
A.It depends on the variety, but most, in the correct environment, can get to 6-8 feet.Read MoreQ.Colors Of Hibiscus - Are there different colors you can choose from for a Hibiscus Bush?
A.Yes, hibiscus, both tropical and hardy, come in several colors. They tend to be warmer colors, like shades of reds, yellows and oranges as well as white.Read MoreQ.Cutting Back Perennials - Do I need to cut back my perennials?
A.Some perennials benefit from being cut back, but not all of them. Which perennials do you have?Read MoreQ.Lighting For Indoor Hibiscus - What is the best lighting for an indoor hibiscus plant? -
A.Indoor hibiscus need high light. A south-facing window is best and this can be supplemented by a fluorescent bulb placed 3 feet or less away from the plant.Read MoreQ.Pruning Sago Palms - My Sago Palms, which were planted at the corner of the driveway and the street, have now grown to 5' ...
A.It is generally not recommended that you prune sago palms for height as this will most likely kill the plant. For your situation, however, you may want to consider stripping the lower fronds so that they do not block the ...Read MoreQ.Astrantia - I received 6 bare root astrantia in early November. I live in zone 4. I have started them indoors. Since ...
A.Yes, but they will need to be put into dormancy when indoors. You can do this by placing them in a cool, dark place and cutting back on watering. Bring them out again about a month before the last frost ...Read More