Q.Citrus Trees Leaves Curling - What causes leaves, primarily young ones to curl or wrinkle in a spiral motion in lime, orange, tangerine, grapefruit trees. ...
A.You may not be watering it enough. You need to make sure that the water gets all the way through the soil. If the soil is very dry, it may actually start to repel water. So enough water ...Read MoreQ.Pruning Lilacs - When is the best time to prune a lilac bush? I planted a bush last spring that is about 2 ...
A.You want to wait until right after it blooms to prune. Pruning now will cut away some of the growth that the blooms will flower on, which means that there will be fewer flowers.Read MoreQ.Gladiola Care - Should the flattened 'mother bulb' be removed from the new bulb in the fall prior to storage, prior to planting ...
A.I would wait until spring to separate them. Separating them in the fall creates a wound, which increases the chance that disease and rot could get into the corms.Read MoreQ.Black Spots On Fuitless Mulberry - My Mulberry leaves have developed many black spots without the yellowing. They were healthy throughout the summer but as winter ...
A.Any fungicide will work. I personally like neem oil because it will help with pest control as well and is safe for people and pets. Here is more information about it: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/pesticides/neem-oil-uses.htmRead More
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Q.Leaves Turning Brown - What do I do when the plant turns brown? Am I suppose to clip the leaves off?
A.As long as there are only a few brown leaves, yes clip them off. But, if you are getting many brown leaves, this could be a sign of something stressing the plant. Most often with houseplants, it is ...Read MoreQ.Stunted Growth Of Hydrangea Bushes - About fourteen years ago I planted ten hydrangea bushes of the broadleaf variety, I think. Over the last four years ...
A.It sounds like you have a grub or nematode of some kind in the roots of the plants. On the stunted ones, try gently lifting the roots and examining them for unusual root growth (knobby or enlarged roots) which would ...Read MoreQ.Lambs Tail Cactus Propagation - Can you tell me how to propagate a lambs tail cactus?
A.Most of the time, this plant is propagated by rooting a leaf from the mother plant. This article will help with doing that: http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/az1483.pdfRead MoreQ.Relocating A Large Gardenia Bush - We had to pull out a large gardenia bush due to remodeling on our home. Can I replant this gardenia ...
A.It may or may not survive a move. Gardenias don't like change and the larger the plant is when you move it, the more likely it is to die. That being said, you can improve its chances of its survival ...Read MoreQ.Dutchman’s Pipe Not Flowering - My dutchman's pipe vine is growing great but it has not bloomed. Can you tell me what I need to ...
A.There can be a few reasons your dutchman's pipe vine is not blooming. The first is that the plant may not be getting enough sunlight. While a plant can survive in less than ideal light conditions, it has a ...Read MoreQ.When Does A Lenten Rose Bloom? - I planted a Lenten Rose this past summer and I was wondering when do thay bloom?
A.Lenten rose normally blooms in late winter or very early in the spring. The name Lenten Rose comes from the fact that it is normally in bloom around Lent.Read MoreQ.Caring For Poinsettias So They Bloom - It is now November in Kentucky and I have moved my poinsettias into a darker cooler room. They still look ...
A.This article has directions for how to get a poinsettia to "bloom" again: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/poinsettia/how-to-make-poinsettia-turn-red-make-a-poinsettia-rebloom.htmRead MoreQ.When To Trim Bushes - I wanted to know what is the best time of the year to trim bushes, spring or late fall? Why?
A.It really depends on the bushes and if they are bushes that bloom from new growth or old growth. Which plant do you wish to trim? We can give you more precise directions on how to trim it if you ...Read MoreQ.When To Prune Back Crape Myrtles - I have over 30 crape myrtles on my property. I like to keep them cut back to about 5 feet ...
A.If you prune right now, you will diminish next year's blooms. The tree has not entered a solid state of dormancy yet and pruning now could bring it back out of dormancy and make it susceptible to cold damage. ...Read MoreQ.Lilac Transplanting - I bought a yellow lilac bush this past spring and since it arrived early and I didn't know where to ...
A.Your unheated garage would be good, or near the foundation of the house with the pot buried in mulch. If you do put it in your garage, make sure to water it once a month or so to keep it ...Read MoreQ.Transplanting Fountain Grass - I live in south central Kansas. I have two large clumps of fountain grass that I would like to split ...
A.The best time to transplant fountain grass is in the spring. The roots of fountain grass pretty much stop growing in late summer and they would not be able to grow enough new roots in the fall to establish themselves ...Read MoreQ.Black Holes On Lime Tree Leaves - Please help! I have small black holes on the leaves of my lime tree, which are severely stunting the growth. ...
A.It may possibly be citrus canker. This article has more information on it: http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/cg040Read MoreQ.Tomato Plant Watering - I got some brown rings near the top of the stem of my tomatoes this year and I am not ...
A.It may be caused by tomato spotted wilt virus. A ringed appearance of lesions is a common symptom of this disease. This article will help: http://vegetablemdonline.ppath.cornell.edu/factsheets/Virus_SpottedWilt.htmRead MoreQ.Is Plumeria Poisonous? - Are Plumeria leaves poisonous to pets?
A.They are toxic to pets, but they are more likely to cause a rash or discomfort for the animal than to kill the animal.Read More