Q.Can I Overseed Zoysia With Rye Grass To Keep It Green In The Winter.. - I live in North Georgia. Can you overseed for the winter to keep zoysia green? What is the best grass ...
A.The experts are mixed on whether or not this is a good idea. Some feel that zoysia and rye grass can't work well together, because they grow at different rates and one will eventually push out the other. ...Read MoreQ.Yellow Squash Molding - Why are my yellow squash molding? Also why are they really bumpy?
A.Many varieties of yellow squash are just naturally bumpy. This is normal. The reason for the molding varies. I am assuming that it is molding on the plant. If this is the case, it is likely that the ...Read MoreQ.Lime Tree’s Flowers And Fruits Dropped Off - I have a lime tree which was flowering at the end of the summer and showing signs of producing fruit. ...
A.There are many reasons why this might happen. This article will help you pinpoint what it might be: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/lime/lime-tree-leaf-drop-why-a-lime-tree-is-losing-leaves.htmRead MoreQ.How To Winter A Three Foot Plus Hibiscus That Is Growing Outside In MS - I believe we are in zone 8.
A.If it is a hardy hibiscus, than it needs no winter protection. If it is a tropical hibiscus, it is iffy if you can winter it outside in your area, but it is worth a shot. Mulch the ...Read More
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Q.Termites In Our Wisteria And How To Kill The Stump - For years our wisteria has brought us such joy. We even have our Christmas lights strung through the branches. We ...
A.It is probably not termites, but rather borers, specifically roundheaded borers. They can get into wisteria and cause damage like you describe. This article has more information: http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu/PMG/GARDEN/PLANTS/INVERT/roundheadbore.html But, if you still want to kill the wisteria, cut it back ...Read MoreQ.Ivy Is Dying - My ivy is looking bad. What should I do? Kinda dry looking but the soil is moist.
A.This is normally a sign that the plant has been overwatered. The plant may have root rot. This article will help you check for that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/disease/treating-root-rot-gardening-tips-for-housplants.htm Only water when the top of the soil is dry to the touch. ...Read MoreQ.Hibiscus Leaves Turning Yellow And Falling Off - Hibiscus plant's leaves are turning yellow and falling off. What should I do?
A.This is a common issue with hibiscus plants. The following article should be of some help to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/hibiscus/answers-to-what-causes-hibiscus-leaves-turning-yellow.htmRead MoreQ.Can I Mulch Outdoor Hibiscus, Prune Them Back Or Keep Them Dormant Until Warm Weather Returns? - I live in Northeastern Oklahoma and have several Hibiscuses growing outdoors. I would like to nurse them through the winter ...
A.While overwintering indoors is always preferrable, especially for tropical varieties, one of the best ways to protect outdoor hibiscus that are planted in the ground is to mulch over the root zone and around the main stem of the plant. ...Read MoreQ.Raised Garden Bed - I wish to build a garden bed that is raised above the ground on legs - maybe 2 ft from ...
A.Most of the time, for a bed like this, people simply build a wood box. But, I have also seen people use the steel watering/feeding troughs that they sell at feed stores.Read MoreQ.Winterizing Gardenia Bush - I purchased a gardenia bush in May and it bloomed profusely all summer. It is still nice and green. Can ...
A.Most gardenias cannot survive outside in areas that drop below 15 degrees F in the winter. If you live in an area that gets colder than this in the winter, you will need to bring the plant indoors. If it's in ...Read MoreQ.How Do Indoor Lights Affect Plants - Does using lighting to grow plants indoors affect the vitamins/minerals/overall health of the plants? -
A.It is not so much the indoor lights that affect the way plants use nutrients, but rather the light spectrum in the indoor lights. Sunlight contains both a warm and cool spectrum, which is ideal for plants. Typical ...Read MoreQ.Beer And Rosemary Plants - I have a rosemary plant and I gave it beer instead of water and my plant got sick and turned ...
A.While there has not been too much hard study done on this, what little research there is suspects that the high sugar content in beer helps to accelerate the naturally occurring bacteria, fungus and microbes in the soil, which attack ...Read MoreQ.Pruning A Cherry Tree - I just had a tree service give me an estimate on some tree work. He told me I need to ...
A.I personally do not think topping trees is such a great idea. It can cause some serious health and aesthetic issues for a tree down the road and it does not really keep them small. What they lose ...Read MoreQ.Can You Dry Pumpkin Seeds And Replant - If I save the seeds from a One Too Many Pumpkin, can I dry the seeds and will they grow ...
A.Yes, you can. Sometimes open pollinated seeds can cross pollinate with other squash, but most of the time they grow true. These articles will help with saving pumpkin seeds and explain open pollinated: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/pumpkin/saving-pumpkin-seeds-how-to-store-pumpkin-seed-for-planting.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/seeds/non-hybrid-seeds-vs-hybrid-seeds.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/glossary/open-pollinated.htmRead MoreQ.Gardenia With White Bugs - My Gardenia has tiny white bugs on it. The leaves are falling off and turning brown. What do I use?
A.Sounds like the problem may be mealy bugs. Here is an article or two that you may find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/gardenia/gardenia-pests.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/plant-problems/pests/mealybugs-white-residue-on-plants-leaves.htmRead MoreQ.Saving Basil Leaves - What can I do to save my basil leaves when the plant gets too big? Should I freeze the leaves ...
A.Either method is fine. It really comes down to a personal preference. These articles will help you with either: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/hgen/freezing-herbs.htm https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/hgen/how-to-dry-herbs-various-methods.htmRead MoreQ.Psathyrella Foenisecii Mushrooms - My husband and I own 28 acres in Northeast Indiana. We built our house about nine years ago and have ...
A.There are a few things in your yard you can work to change. This article has more information about those: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/lawn-care/lgen/eliminate-mushrooms-in-your-lawn.htm You can also treat your lawn with a fungicide to help get rid of the mushrooms.Read MoreQ.Lemon Tree’s Leaves Fall Off - We move our lemon trees in every year and all the leaves fall off. The tree is full of blooms, ...
A.Plants need to be acclimated when brought indoors for the winter. This prevents them from going into shock. This article will explain how to do that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/using-pesticides-and-other-chemicals-on-your-houseplants.htmRead MoreQ.Temperature For A Rubber Tree - Can you please tell me the lowest temp.that a rubber tree can withstand? I live in the Atlanta area and ...
A.Rubber trees are generally hardy outdoors in Zones 10-11 where temperatures do not fall below 30 degrees F. It would definitely be a good idea to bring the plant indoors for overwintering unless you can ensure that it's adequately protected. ...Read More