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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Pachira Money Tree Care

eshasho added on February 7, 2016 | Answered

So I’m new to plants in general and purchased a Pachira from Ikea 6 months ago for inside my apartment. I keep it by the window so that it can get light. Unfortunately, there is a heater right underneath this window but I placed a large ottoman between the plant and heater so that it hopefully doesn’t get too hot.

The Pachira has gotten considerably less full over the months with leaves browning and dropping often; however, I do see new leaves sprouting up all the time so that alleviates my concerns some. However, there are two trunks that no longer have any growth on it – is there any way that I can cut this trunk down to promote branches or are they completely dead? The entire side of the tree which these trunks face is empty – if they are indeed dead, what can I do to get that side looking more full?

Additional questions I have:

1- the branches and leaves droop quite a bit instead of being perky, almost as if they are too heavy – is this normal?
2- there is a group of small leaves that has sprouted up around the base of the braided trunk. I quite like them so I haven’t pruned them – is this ok?

Thank you SO much for your time and help! I want to badly to see this plant thrive.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 7, 2016

Your plant may be in to warm of a location for it's best growth.
They prefer temperatures between 60 to 65 degrees F.
If the heater is blowing on the plant this can cause it to dry out.

Lack of humidity can be a problem for a Pachira.

Make sure you water deeply and then allow the soil to dry between watering.
You do not have to remove the lower growth on the trunk. It may eventually fill in the base of the trunk.

Here is a link that will refresh you on the care requirements.


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