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Q.Overwatering serbian bellflower

Zone ALpharetta, GA | khfranklin added on May 2, 2016 | Answered

I had a very healthy vital Serbian bellflower planted in full sun and it was doing great. However, within the last 2 weeks, it started looking like someone had stepped on the middle of it (they hadn’t). Tonight I moved some of the plant stems and the whole thing separated from its base plant. The plant 1.5 feet away from it is doing beautifully with no issues. Could this be the result of overwatering or a pest of some kind?

Thank you!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 4, 2016

Serbian Bellflower is susceptible to crown rot and mildew under wet conditions.
The top 2 inches of soil should dry out between watering.
Avoid having mulch up to the plant, give it room to help dry out the soil.


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