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Container Gardening

Q.Over Wintering Ceramic Pots

Anonymous added on October 17, 2011 | Answered

I live in northern Idaho (new to the area) and have no idea how to care for the many ceramic pots I have acquired this year. Some are medium sized (12 inches to 15 inches across) and many are large to very large.

Our back deck faces west and is on the 2nd story of the house. We have about 10 of those pots there. The other pots are on the covered front porch. I need to know how to overwinter those pots to keep them from cracking. Your help would be greatly appreciated.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 18, 2011

The best thing to do would be to store them in a sheltered place, like a garage or a shed. If left outside, the water and temperature fluctuations will crack them.

Most people sterilize their containers before storing them by wiping them down with a weak bleach solution. This way if your plants had some kind of disease, the disease does not overwinter as well.

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